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One day workshop on Clinical and Laboratory Bio-Risk Management for CCHF and Cholera

On Thursday 7th July 2022 one-day workshop on Clinical and Laboratory Bio-Risk Management for CCHF and Cholera was held at Khyber Medical University Peshawar. The event was facilitated by organizers Dr. Hafsah Muhmmad, Mr. Abdul Qadoos Khan, Mr. Nauman Ali, and Mr. Shahzad.

A total of 41 participants, including KMU faculty members, Students, and also Lab Staff of PHRL, North West, and RMI institute participated in it.

The workshop started with a recitation from the Holy Quran followed by a welcome address by Dr. Asif Ali. He introduces all the participants and then Dr. Hafsah started with the first Lecture on the Workshop Topic of Isolation precautions for patients with infectious diseases. After that Dr. Taj Ali delivered his presentation on Laboratory Management of samples for Cholera. He explained biosafety measures for sample handling, processing, and Waste Management for Cholera. Dr. Ihsan Ullah presented the topic Clinical Management of Patients and Samples of CCHF and other Hemorrhagic fever. A practical session was also done by Mr. Shahzad and Mr. Abdul Qadoos on using PPE and the Management of Spilled Blood, Chemicals, and infectious samples.

At the end of the workshop, honorable Registrar KMU Dr. Saleem Gandapur appreciated the efforts of the Organizers and the active contribution of all participants. He also distributed the Certificates among Organizers, Facilitators, and Participants.

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